May prayer letter 2024

“But, ye beloved, edify yourselves in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. And keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, unto eternal life.” ~Jude 1:20-21

Dear pastors and prayer partners,

Peace be with you in the Lord!

In early April, a 7.2 earthquake struck Taiwan, followed by constant aftershocks. Not only the residents living in the epicenter were fearful, but also people all over Taiwan. Moreover, not only Taiwan, disasters are taking place globally. Natural calamities as well as man-made disasters are taking place frequently. Earthquakes, hailstorms, tsunamis, tornadoes, heavy rains, landslides, and wildfires…etc., are leaving human barely strived to resist the counterattacks of nature...

Moreover, people are frightened and overwhelmed by man-made disasters. They seemed to become accustomed to theft, destructions, burning, killing and looting. Photos of innocent children injured in the Israeli-Palestinian war are so many online. Local residents there are just destitute and in despair. It further triggers serious Anti-Semitism movements and conflicts, even possibly tearing U.S. apart...

All the above reminded us of the warnings in the Bible given to people about the signs of the end time. We should be watchful, praying, sober-minded, loving one another, and holding on to the faith, enduring to the end and being faithful until death.

Last year, when we were sharing the media ministry of Voice of Salvation in a church, the preacher’s wife asked us to pray for and bless their children, hoping that they can be used by God in the media ministry in the future.

In April this year, we went to serve in that church again. Thank God, many brothers and sisters gave positive feedback about the programs we produce and broadcast. Even surprisingly, they purchased and set up recording equipment, ready for children to learn recording skills through reading spiritual books out loud.

Thank God, through sharing VOS ministry at different churches, we witnessed the process how those churches moved from supporting VOS to devoting themselves into the media ministry. We are so grateful to God. Nowadays we are facing the era of “information explosion” with chaotic values, may God rise up more warriors in the media ministry to provide God’s word, preach the truth every day, edify believers, share God’s love and salvation, comfort and support broken hearts.

[Thanksgiving, Updates and Prayer Requests]

1. Please pray for the manpower needs of our ministry. We need to recruit 3 coworkers for the program department and 1 for accounting. Referrals from church pastors, brothers and sisters are welcome.

2. Please pray for the preparations for celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Voice of Salvation on October 19th.

3. Please pray for our cooperation with partnering platforms in the hope to broadcast our programs in every possible way through creating more cooperation opportunities.

4. Please pray for our program hosts to be strong in their body, soul and spirit, not only obeying God’s will to be used by God, but also creating contents to help more people hear the gospel, get to know the one true God, and receive salvation.

  1. Please pray for the students of Bible correspondence course. No matter they are prisoners or ordinary students, pray that they can gain a deeper understanding of the faith in Christ. We hope this course can be a great help for them to transform their lives.

[Letters/Messages from Listeners]

From China ... I underwent a rectal cancer surgery in 2019 and still recovering. Please kindly pray for me that God will heal me with a quick recovery. Please also pray for my daughter in the major exam to be taken this year that God’s spirit is with her for a positive result.

From China ... Hello host, I haven’t contacted you for a long time. Please pray for me for the course that I am taking on driver's license. I can't calm myself down to learn it and worry that I can’t learn it well. Please pray that God will strengthen me to be confident and capable of getting the license.

From China please pray for my two sons to come before God as soon as possible, and pray for their marriages that the Lord will grant them marriages that are in line with God's will...

From China Hello Sister Rainbow, I am 7 years old and have been listening to your program every day. I’d like to write to you all the time. I enjoy listening to the stories you tell, especially the short stories in "The Wonderful Orchard", "Warm Little Inn", and "Time Spaceship", especially the story of Achan. It would be great to listen to more other stories about how to build up good characters, such as the segment “Speaking Truth with Love." Look forward to your reply, thank you. I am supporting your program.

From China Hello Duoduo, I really enjoy listening to the film reviews in your program. Could you please talk about the Korean TV drama titled "The Dark Glory" ?...

From China Dear Teacher Duoduo, greetings! I have been listening to your program for a long time. I enjoy listening to your voice and the content of the program. May the Lord bless you. …

From China hi Sister Rainbow, I don’t know why but I couldn’t listen to your programs for more than 10 days from my mom’s hand phone but it is working again now. I am so happy…

[Feedback from Bible Correspondence Students]

Student Huang... Lately I have been observing the news about Israeli-Palestinian war and Russian-Ukrainian war. It makes people sad and worried by watching the shocking scenes. I want to pray for them. May those people who are far away on the battlefields be safe, overcome the darkness and can see the light ahead as soon as possible. …

  • Student Xue... In this Bible course, through the verses in the Gospel of John, I realized that God is looking after and protecting us all the time. We follow the Lord’s way, pursue the truth, keep our souls righteous, and cherish the precious bread of life given to us by God. …
  • Student Huang... We are all marching on the journey of life. Hope it’s a path led by God’s will that we know how to love and serve Him.