about us

about Voice of Salvation

Our vision: Let all the Chinese around the world hear the voice of salvation!

"Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth---to every nation, tribe, language and people." Rev. 14:6

Voice of Salvation(VOS) was started in Taiwan on January 16th 1974, by missionaries from Norwegian Lutheran Mission. Thank God that He has been guiding our ministry for more than 40 years. In the early years, VOS started the radio ministry with a simple tape recorder and delivered audio tapes to the radio stations at the coastal villages in north-east Taiwan, such as Yi-lan, Luo-tung, Su-au towns…etc.

Today, in God's grace, we have two professional recording studios and three digital small recording studios. And the vision of VOS has been extended from Taiwan to reach out to all the Chinese around the world.

Starting 1993, Norwegian missionaries finished their work and returned to Norway one after another. They transferred VOS to the Lutheran Church of Republic of China.(LCROC) In 1997. The Lutheran Church began a plan to help VOS become financially independent and make the radio ministry to be an extension of all congregations.

More than 40 years, VOS never stops preaching the gospel by using radio programs, publications, and audio materials…etc. We also help our listeners to find churches and we use Salvation Bible correspondence courses to do the follow-up and truth-teaching work.

In March 2003, "Cloud of Witnesses," a life-witnessing program over 10 years, was developed into the "Cloud of Witnesses Ministry." Besides extending the broadcast channels from Taiwan, China, U.S.A, Canada, Australia, to all the Chinese worldwide, we produce testimony audio CDs which are provided for all churches, brothers, and sisters for the purpose of preaching the gospel. We also help churches arrange evangelistic gatherings to share the gospel in their communities.