April prayer letter 2024

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Dear pastors, co-workers & prayer partners: Peace be with you!

On the first working day right after the Chinese Lunar New Year holidays, the website and APP of VOS suddenly could not function. After contacting the software company for emergency repair, the problem was identified in storage equipment owned by the telecommunication provider. We thank God for the quick recovery. After a few days of maintenance by the software company, the VOS website and APPs finally returned and worked well. We hope such an unfortunate incident will never happen. However, we are still thankful for God's mercy. During the system recovery process, we received many emails and calls from listeners. We have the opportunities of interacting with listeners and learning their feedback about the programs.

One listener said that she was short of topics and words when she took care of her child. Through the materials shared by the VOS program hosts, it helps her express her points clearly while interacting with her kid. Another listener told us that her kid listens to the children program, "Popcorn", every day. One other listener indicated that, during those days when VOS website and APP were not working, she felt something important was missing in her daily life. Moreover, since this listener has been benefiting through listening to VOS programs, she encouraged us to continuously produce good quality programs.

Our thanks to God! He lets all things work for those who love God and thirst for His words. We invite you to pray for VOS and our work so that all our software and hardware can be in good operations to serve our Lord.

[Thanksgiving, News, Prayer Requests]

1. Please pray for the marketing of the new edition VOS APP. We invite everyone to download the new edition VOS APP and share with your friends and relatives, church groups and members.

2. Please pray for our needs of manpower. To cope with the ministry tasks, we need to hire 3 staff for Program Department and one accountant. We invite everyone to join VOS and welcome your recommendation.

3. Please pray for the preparations of the VOS 50th Anniversary events.

4. Please pray for all VOS program hosts. May all our programs be helpful for listeners and fit their needs.

[Letters and Messages from Listeners]

….I frequently heard people saying "God has a wonderful plan for your life". So far, I still do not know what God's plan for my life is. I even do not know where I am heading to.... (a listener in China)

…. Dear host, please pray for me. May my Lord, the creator of the universe, give me wisdom, good management ability and organizing skills in order to manage the church. May God grant me the ability to be a good shepherd who herds his sheep…. (a listener in China)

….I like the topics of marriage in the programs. It is very helpful. I wonder if you have any course material related to marriage…. (a listener in China)

….Dear VOS staff, it has been a while since I contacted you last time. May our Lord give me spiritual strength, a heart that craves for His words, and help me to be strong physically and mentally. I feel weak and please pray for me…. (a listener in China)

….Today, I listened to the testimony of "37 Degrees Celsius". It was so helpful to me. I got a cold last night and felt drowsy. I could only praise God and recounted God's blessing all these years to keep my mind in peace. Somehow, I fell asleep eventually. This morning, when I woke up, I felt completely recovered. Praise the Lord.…. (a listener in China)

….I just listened to Duo-Duo's testimony about how to hold on to God. That is the most important thing. Amen! Yesterday, I shared Li Rong's story in my chat group and a friend, who does not attend the church services, responded with a thumbs up emoji. Praise the Lord. I also just listened toAwake with the Angel. Really like the program…. (a listener in China)

…. Today's program is really good -- "Before the right person shows up, get yourself right first". Well said! I also shared it in my chat group and many non-Christians read my message. May God have mercy on all of us. Especially, I hope my friends of non-Christians who might have a troubled marriage can find the root causes and the solutions in the Bible…. (a listener in China)

[letters from Bible Correspondence Course Students]

….Thanks to God. Through the Bible Correspondence Course, I was inspired, moved, and I renewed my belief once again. It has been years since I became a Christian. I grew up in a Christian family. Nevertheless, after many years of participating in church activities, offering my time and energy, my strength gradually dried up. Guided by the Holy Spirit, I came across the VOS Bible Correspondence Course by chance. Although I must start from the beginning, the steady progress designed by the course helps me to pick up basic knowledge of the Bible that I took for granted before. The moving feeling that God placed in my heart became alive little by little…. (student Liu)

….Praise our Lord. When I was working on the homework, I understood by heart that how lucky I am to become a Christian, a child of God. God sent His son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice of atonement. What we need to do is to believe in God; God will forgive us our sins. ... (student Huang)\

….When I feel down and depressed, I will pray to our Lord, asking our Lord to give me wisdom and strength in order to face the hard time. When I feel blessed and happy, I thank the Lord heartily for His grace that makes my life rich and wonderful …. (student Huang)

….My thanks to Jesus Christ, the mighty God, who guides me to his ways. Although the current course is a little bit hard to understand, I did give my best effort to complete the course. This course helps me understand Jesus Christ. The contents mention many sins, including adultery and idolatry. I think these are acts frequently done by people. If we have Jesus Christ in our hearts, He will live in our heart always! After I accept Jesus Christ as my savior, I feel safe and know that I can lean upon God! …. (student Chuang)